Any workplace accident that causes bodily harm can leave you feeling depressed and overwhelmed, and this is particularly true when you cannot return to the position at work that you held before your accident. Fortunately, California laws require employers to provide workers’ compensation benefits to employees after sustaining injuries on the job in most cases.

A skilled workers’ compensation attorney from Glauber Berenson Vego could perform a detailed investigation of a workplace accident and see a person’s legal options. While the benefits are available, the system and process for approval are complex. The experienced Downey workplace amputation injury lawyers from our firm could help you to effectively navigate the claims process so you do not have to go through it alone.

Common Causes of Amputations Injuries

Losing a limb at work can happen due to a wide range of accidents, such as crush injuries, severe burns, or electrocution. Some of the most common causes in the workplace include:

  • Elevator accidents
  • Scaffold collapses
  • Fires and explosions
  • Company vehicle collisions
  • Defective equipment or tools
  • Getting a limb or finger caught in machinery
  • Forklift accidents from inadequate training

A Downey workplace amputation injury attorney could support a person throughout the claims process, ensuring they complete each requirement to collect the benefits they deserve.

Permanent Disability Benefits

A range of benefits are available, including the cost of healthcare, temporary or permanent disability benefits, and job displacement services. While most people recover from their accidents, severe injuries, such as amputations, can leave people permanently disabled. When the doctor treating the injured person states that the person will have limitations or never recover, the person is eligible to apply for permanent disability benefits.

Per the instruction of the California Workers’ Compensation Guidebook, when injured workers seeking medical care reach the point where the injury will no longer improve or get worse, the primary physician treating them must complete a permanent and stationary, or P&S, report informing the insurer they have reached maximum medical improvement or MMI. The document will include information about a person’s:

  • Work restrictions
  • Permanent medical condition
  • Expected lifetime medical care and treatment requirements
  • Ability to return to the position they held before the workplace accident

After the insurer receives the report, they will determine the rating based on how the disability will continue to limit them from handling work duties in the future. The rating is between one and 100 percent, with the latter meaning total and permanent disability. After reviewing the accident and other case specifics, a workplace amputation injury lawyer in Downey could answer questions regarding the benefits they may be eligible to collect and help from filing the initial claim to collecting payments.

Injured Employee Requirements

Workers’ compensation benefits in California work on a no-fault system, which means the injured party does not need to establish fault. However, they must complete steps, including seeking medical attention, notifying their employer, and following the doctor’s treatment plan, or they risk losing eligibility for benefits under the statute.

Speak to a Qualified Workplace Amputation Injury Attorney in Downey Today

When you sustained an amputation injury while carrying out your job duties, you have the right to file a claim to collect benefits under workers’ compensation from your employer. Experiencing a catastrophic injury, such as traumatic amputations, can have devastating effects on your well-being, and receiving the workers’ compensation benefits that state laws entitle you to collect is essential.

While seeking guidance from counsel is not a legal requirement, our attorneys could help you throughout the process and prevent approval delays. Call a Downey workplace amputation injury lawyer today to set up a consultation and begin the claims process.

Downey Workplace Amputation Injury Lawyer

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Ryan Vego is an amazing person. Not only a great attorney. He focused on what...
- Christopher Davis
It is always difficult going down this workman’s comp path, but these people, the entire...
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I am a vocational return to work counselor and have been in Workers’ Compensation since...
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