A workplace accident can result in serious injuries that prevent a person from working temporarily or permanently. Depending on the nature of the injury and its severity, you may require long-term medical treatment and may not be able to perform your job as before.
In the case of severe eye injuries, a Downey vision loss injury lawyer could make sure that you receive your appropriate damages. A workers’ compensation attorney could assist you in securing compensation through your employer or, if necessary, pursue legal action.
Eye injuries in the workplace can occur suddenly and lead to adverse effects, such as decreased vision. Injuries may also vary depending on the specific nature of the injury.
An eye injury could directly affect the eye or the surrounding area due to physical impact. For instance, a projectile object could strike the eye, scratching the cornea or damaging the retina. In severe cases, such as punctures, lacerations, or blunt force trauma, a person could entirely lose their eye. The damage may also extend to the orbital bone surrounding the eye socket.
Chemical exposure can also result in eye injuries. Irritation, burns, or other harmful effects from hazardous chemicals could severely damage or scar the eye. In industrial workplaces, the spilling or splashing of toxic substances can cause eye damage, either from vapors or direct contact with liquids.
The eye is a delicate and complex structure, and damage may require surgery to preserve vision. A Downey eye injury lawyer could help someone file a compensation claim for loss of vision to cover costly medical expenses.
The state generally requires employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance to mitigate litigation related to workplace injuries. If an employee sustains an injury at work, they can report it to their employer, receive medical care, and quickly access compensation, including wage replacement for temporary or permanent disabilities.
However, an employer might challenge the worker’s account of the accident, disputing whether the injury occurred at work or the severity of the injury. They may even attempt to reduce or deny coverage.
While eye injuries may be more noticeable than stress-related injuries, a worker experiencing vision loss may still need assistance to secure their total damages. A lawyer could assist with the following:
In some cases, an injured worker might also be able to sue a third party responsible for the eye injury, rather than their employer. Seeking legal counsel from a Downey injury attorney as soon as possible after experiencing eyesight loss could preserve a person’s right to compensation.
Losing your sight can be a traumatic experience that may require significant life adjustments. You might lose your ability to work in your previous field and face substantial ongoing costs for medical care and lost opportunities.
A Downey vision loss injury lawyer could support you and guide you in obtaining the compensation you deserve. Whether navigating workers’ compensation claims or pursuing a civil lawsuit, it is crucial to seek the advice and expertise of legal counsel. Call our office today for a free, no-obligation consultation.