California follows a no-fault system, and except for a few exceptions, regardless of why an accident occurs, all employees are eligible to collect benefits after a workplace injury or illness. When you sustain injuries while at work, you are likely eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.
While benefits are available, many find that the laws are often confusing and stressful. Seeking help from a knowledgeable attorney for information about how to apply for workers’ compensation in Glendale is the best way to ensure a smooth process. Reach out to Glauber Berenson Vego today to start reviewing your claim.
It is essential for every worker to understand their rights in the event of an injury at work. According to the California Labor Code Section § 3700, every organization, big and small, with one employee or more must provide workers’ compensation benefits. The only exception is state-run agencies, which have a separate state compensation fund for those who sustain injuries on the job. Employers may elect to obtain coverage through an insurance provider or choose to self-insure and pay benefits themselves.
Most employees who sustain an injury or illness while on the job are eligible to collect benefits. That includes harm from an accident, cumulative damages from tasks involving repetitive motions, and exposure to hazards within workplace environments that cause illnesses. However, there are specific circumstances that could disqualify someone from collecting benefits after a workplace accident, including:
Our team can answer any questions about eligibility as well as how to apply for workers’ compensation benefits in Glendale.
The steps to apply for workers’ compensation include the following:
It is vital to seek medical care immediately following an accident, illness, or injury on the job and document everything. This establishes the extent of a worker’s harm and helps make relevant connections between their injury and job duties. Without this documentation, insurers can deny much-needed benefits.
An injured worker should alert their employer the same day if possible; if not, they should report the injury as quickly as possible.
An employer has 24 hours to alert their insurer after an injured employee makes them aware of their injury or illness. The employer must also provide the injured person with paperwork to complete and forward to the provider, along with other required documentation.
While most employees are eligible for benefits, applying for worker’s compensation in Glendale is complex and often confusing. Receiving a denial is common, but fortunately, this decision is not final, and there are many steps an injured worker can take, including disputing the decision.
A work-related accident or illness can leave you with painful injuries and outrageous medical bills, all while being unable to work to support yourself and your family. California protects most workers by ensuring eligibility for workers’ comp benefits, but the system can be time-consuming, with many hurdles to overcome.
Call our compassionate attorneys for help with the process or for more information about how to apply for workers’ compensation in Glendale. We can answer your questions and fight for the benefits you need and deserve.