Sustaining an injury in the workplace is challenging for anyone. It often results in missed work due to needed recovery time and other hardships for you and your family. Even after you receive workers’ compensation benefits and return to work, you can face retaliation from your employer.

If you filed a workers’ compensation claim and feel the company retaliated against you, you do not need to take it quietly. A Van Nuys workers’ compensation retaliation lawyer could help you understand your rights under state law. To learn about the different ways that an employer may retaliate against you, reach out to a workers’ compensation attorney at Glauber Berenson Vego.

What Is Workplace Retaliation?

Employer retaliation occurs when an employer unfairly acts against an employee for their conduct. It can be triggered by an employee complaint or action, such as getting a supervisor in trouble for something.

It can also result from an employee using their right to file a workers’ compensation claim. This is because workers’ compensation claims generally result in higher employer costs through increased premiums. The more severe the injury claim, the more it will increase the company’s costs. A workers’ compensation retaliation lawyer could ensure your rights are protected during the claims process in Van Nuys and help prevent further retaliation.

Signs of Workplace Retaliation

There are many ways that an employer can retaliate or act against an employee. Some of the most common adverse actions include:

  • Demotion
  • Suspension
  • Termination
  • Refusal to promote
  • Increased critical supervision
  • Threats of immigration problems
  • Increasing the employee’s workload, while reducing pay or hours
  • Removing privileges the employee previously enjoyed before filing complaints

At first, you may work harder to try and appease your boss. However, this may begin to take a toll on you. The critical thing to remember is that if it feels like you are being mistreated, you have the right to question their actions and hire a workers’ compensation retaliation attorney in Van Nuys to represent you.

What To Do About Workers’ Compensation Retaliation

Retaliation from an employer, for any reason, is against the law according to California Labor Code § 132(a). Therefore, if you feel you are being discriminated against, you should take several steps.

Document Everything

Detailed records of incidents, including dates and times, are vital to building your case. Essential evidence may include negative performance reviews, times when you felt intimidated, and changes in your job role or pay.

Gather Evidence

If there are emails, text messages, or other communications that prove retaliatory actions against you, keep these documents. It will increase your chances of filing a successful claim.

Make a Report

You should inform your human resources department or supervisor if they are not also harassing you. You should make a report in writing and save a copy of it. This will help you create a paper trail showing that you tried to handle the situation. It will also prove that your employer was aware of the problem.

Consult With Experts

Seeking legal representation early on could help you prove retaliation against you. An attorney could explain what evidence you need to gather and inform you of your legal rights while explaining your best course of action.

If you suspect that your employer is retaliating against you, enlist the help of a workers’ compensation retaliation lawyer in Van Nuys as soon as possible. Filing a successful retaliation claim could help you recover back pay, front pay, reinstatement if you were wrongfully terminated, punitive damages, and legal fees.

Seek the Assistance of an Expert Van Nuys Workers’ Compensation Retaliation Attorney Today

Glauber Berenson Vego has extensive experience handling all matters related to workers’ compensation cases. Do not let your employer’s actions go unchallenged – retain our skilled attorneys today to protect your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve.

If you are looking for a Van Nuys workers’ compensation retaliation lawyer, contact our office today to request a case evaluation.

Van Nuys Workers’ Compensation Retaliation Lawyer

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Ryan Vego is an amazing person. Not only a great attorney. He focused on what...
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